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EXTREMELY LIMITED: This Mentorship With Mystery is limited to 20 15 spots.


On February 6th, 13th, and 20th...


Virtually, over Zoom...


I’ve set aside some RARE time to mentor a small group of guys who want to hone their skills and attract 9’s and 10’s.


This is not for newbies that have never cold approached before in their lives. I’m looking to train guys who have some level of experience under their belt and want to take it to the next level. 


We just wrapped up our last class. It was a massive success. 


Take Juan, who wanted to develop skills at building a social circle in a new city. Here’s what he had to say about the program:


“I joined Mystery's online mentorship in order

to level up my game. Specifically in order to

improve my ability to speak to mixed groups of

people. I learned to have material/gambits/sound

bites ready as I interact with people in order to

not run out of things to say. I moved to a new

City, I'm out here on my own and I'm attempting to

create my new social circle out here just as I did

back home. I knew that joining a group with

Mystery as our mentor would help me develop a

strategy to speed my goal up.”


Listen: I have a full game plan I’m going to share with you during our time together. It’s a game plan that isn’t focused on getting one particular girl. 


It's a game plan focused on how you can get many women attracted to you and out of all of them, you can choose. 


Over the 3 live zoom calls, we’ll go over everything to get you closer to mastery in this area of your life. 


You’ll also walk away knowing:


       How to Get 10’s Like The Ones You See On Instagram. Most of the time you’ll get the hot girl from the second set, not the first.


If you’re used to sleeping with 6’s and 7’s, then I’ve got a game plan for you to start meeting and seducing higher quality girls. 


If you want to get the supermodel in your life, you’ll need to be super calibrated. I will show you exactly how to get them engaged. 


Yes, they are harder to get...but it is a thousand times more rewarding. You’ll be the prize. 


       How to Build a Social Anywhere. Can you imagine how much your travel experience changes when you know people in a brand new city? 


It’s the difference between night and day. There are guys who go to a new city and talk to nobody. They wonder why they are there alone. 


You will know how to open up groups of people and merge them together. You’ll build a social circle in a new city. This isn’t just about getting the girl. It’s about building a life. 


       Crush Approach Anxiety. I remember a time when I too was there. I’ll show you a way to reduce your anxiety by 20% instantly. 


What we do to reduce it even more is having material for opening. After our time together you will walk away with damn good openers that you will memorize.


You’ll get so good with this material that you’ll have confidence knowing that it will work (because I’m going to help you with your delivery). Imagine being able to approach a hot chick without any hesitation because it’s dialed in. 


       Open Any Interaction Without Getting Rejected. Direct game is where you hit on her on the open. It’s shit game. It can work, but very 3% of the time. You’re more likely to get rejected and blown out of set. There’s no art form to it.


My focus is for you to walk away with Indirect Material so you can open without telegraphing your interest. 


You’ll convey your personality through DHV’s (demonstrations of higher value) that will get her engaged and wanting to stick around talking to you. 


In fact, she’ll be hooked so hard that she will do most of the talking and qualify herself to you. You just sit back and lock in as she chases you (yes, really). 


       How To Get Out Of The Dreaded Friendzone. Sometimes you can become friendly with a girl and there’s no interest coming from her. And it goes nowhere. 


But with this courtship model I’m going to share with you, you'll go scene by scene, phase by phase, then solve that problem. You’ll put her in a spot that puts getting friendzoned a thing in the past. 


       How To Attract Your Dream Girl. You’re going to have to work at it but when you find her, you’ll have the skill set to attract her. Then you’ll do some sort of qualification to see if she’s the right girl for you. 


Then you’ll build comfort with her then move into seduction smoothly. You’ll build enough compliance so that she’ll bounce from venue to venue with you. 


Eventually if you invite her over to your house, she’ll say “sure.” You’ll have the skill

set to attract and seduce your dream girl. 


       How to Build a Vibrant Social Circle that Sets You Up For Life. Sound like an exaggeration? It’s not. You’ll know how to open groups of people. Since you’ll be going indirect, you’ll actually make meaningful connections with anyone you want. 


You’ll be the social butterfly invited to parties even if you consider yourself introverted.

That’s part of the game plan. Imagine how that will change your life professionally and personally.


       Never Run Out of Things To Say. We will work together to create a cheat sheet for you. You will always know what to say.


You will have a list of sound bites and stories to demonstrate your high value. These stories will get her and her friends laughing and get sucked into you. 


       How To Go From Comfort And Into Seduction. When you know what phase you are in, you’ll naturally gravitate to material to meet the objectives in that stage. In other words, you’ll always know what to do when you’re in an interaction. 


There’s a beginning, middle, and end to an interaction. I’ll share what each of these phases are and what the main objective is in that specific phase. You will move from attraction to comfort to seduction.


When you get good at the material to meet these phases and objectives you will be laid like a rockstar. 


       Become Charismatic on Demand. You’ll discover how to deliver your material with cadence, tonality, and inflection. 


You’ll have everything practised so that when the hottie does come along, you’ll have the momentum to run your material smoothly without ums, ah’s, and pauses. You will be able to switch your confidence ON effortlessly. 


       Become a Man of High Value. You’ll discover the The 5 Key Characteristics of a High Value Man. You’ll paint a picture in a girl’s head of you as a man of high value. 


When she hears that you possess these characteristics, she will show interest in you. She’s going to hit on you. You’ll sit back and watch her prove her worth to you. 


...Now if I were you


I’d imagine you’ve got a bunch of questions. 


I’ll go ahead and answer some questions I’m sure you have below:


***Is this all theory? I’m worried this program won’t help me take action.


You might be familiar with reading books and courses on this material and feeding your head with material. If you are, great. But this mentorship program is all about building an actual skillset and honing in your skills.


This is for guys who are already going out and want to take it to the next level by getting direct feedback from me. First, it’s skill set development. Then it’s skillset use. Once you focus on those two, you get the girl. 


***Is there support from Mystery during the program?


There will be a WhatsApp group. You will have access to me in the group and I will get to your questions as soon as I get to it. We’re going to exchange information with the entire WhatsApp group.


You will have continued support from me in the chat after the zoom calls. You will have a 60 day plan after the program to ensure your success. 


***Will there be time for questions? I’ve been a part of live calls where it gets bombarded by other people, and not get a chance to ask questions due to lack of time.


Yes, there will be time for questions. We have plenty to go over, but there will be time for you to ask specific questions at the end of the calls. 


***I just got out of a bad relationship. Is this right for me? Should I get her back?


Best way to get an ex back: stay friends with your ex and move on. That’s what I did. I moved places and got a hot girlfriend. My ex, still being friends, came to see my new place (and my 3 months of working out improved physique) and met my gf. I was again a new and attractive man. She came back for another 6 months before I travelled away.


***Will this help me if I’m in a small city?


My students that get the most of my programs live in bigger cities. Yes, this can help you if you live in a small town, however, you will get a better outcome if you live in a bigger area because you will have more opportunities. 


***What are the dates and what time do you start? 


Three Saturdays and three hours per session. We can get a lot done with our time together.


The dates are February 6th, 13th, 20th...11 AM PST.


***How much is it?




The investment is 3 monthly payments of $650


OR 6 easy payments of $350


*NOTE: This is not a pay and cancel when you choose to plan. You will be expected to complete your payments. We have this open so that people can finance this Mentorship. Each payment is paid 30 days after it is processed. 


Prepare to be amazing,





3 Payments of $650

6 Payments of $349

1 Payment of $1597

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